Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Know your customer data before they call

Today I made a call to Dell attempting to replace a dead laptop battery. The warranty for the laptop has expired a month ago (bummer), but I still hoped to talk to a representative regarding a possibility of replacing a battery. Since we are focusing on usability here, I was quite impressed with a simple technology of using caller ID to connect to a customer data purchase data.

The laptop was the only piece of equipment that had a cell phone provided to Dell. That means, instead of requesting to provide a service tag number for a laptop, Dell can potentially know all the assets that I purchased from them at the moment I make a phone call.

And they do.

Unfortunately for me, a pleasant automated voice, without even asking any service numbers, informed me that my laptop was out of warranty and the only way to get support was to purchase a support call. No, I know the battery does not hold the charge and I don’t need to spend money on a support call to confirm that I need to replace a battery.

But the usability of not even needing to enter a phone number makes it a pleasant experience. More companies need to utilize such a simple technology as caller ID.

Getting live news – case in point from Boeing 787 first flight

The live coverage for a significant event of the Boeing's first Dreamliner flight on December 15, 2009 proved to be extremely difficult to get. The “morning front page” news has become obsolete as we strive to know what is happening “right this very moment”. The twitter updates, the phones that notify us when a new e-mail arrives, the omnipresent Wi-Fi make us always-connected nation demand the news coverage to be delivered instantly or else it quickly falls off our overworked brains that cannot remember more than a 20 second news snippet. And yes, Twitter is not helping here. Today we discuss a usability case trying to get online news coverage for a relatively large news event that is known in advance.

Today was a significant day for an aviation industry – the new jetliner first flight. Despite news sources chanting a phrase “more than two years late”, the significance of the event does not become any less remarkable. Many people have expected this event to occur today, over 20 thousand Boeing employees waited outside in the rain for this moment of truth that lasted for several hours. The folks that were not lucky to be on the field had to resort to a live coverage elsewhere. Indeed, with all high speed networking everywhere why expect anything less than an instant coverage?

The event was not unexpected by all means and the google.com/trends proves the point. Below are the “hot topics”:

Hot Topics! (USA)
1. Boeing 787 test flight

So, Boeing made it to the top of the list today. Even more out of the 10 “Hot Searches” today news related to Boeing was in three:
1. 787 landing
2. 787 first flight video
3. Dreamliner landing

The basic search on Google for “boeing 787 live feed” had no links for actual live feed of the event. Search results need to mature and the algorithm needs to figure out that a phrase on a page “live feeds are not working” should not show up under the initial query. But it does.

By the way, Microsoft’s Bing results were not better – there were no links to the actual live feed on the first page and many of the front page articles were not even the recent ones. Google’s result showing a scrolling window feed of some news right on the front page is a significant improvement over Bing’s interface.

Many links suggest checking the official site at http://787firstflight.newairplane.com/, but the site had a an image of an airplane with a status “Welcome to the live webcast…”.

It doesn’t take a usability expert to figure out that sliding a gray bar from the right to the left is not the most intuitive way to show the status of the first flight. And yes, there was no other way to do it more intuitively that I could see, no keyboard shortcut worked either.

This is the message that would be scrolling once the sliding process would be complete:

The scrolling message “Estimated landing 1:22 P.M. PST” was changed three times during the first flight.

There were some pleasant surprises regarding the available data. Site http://flightaware.com/ offered a plotted path of the Boeing 787 flight in real time. Availability of the track log with GPS coordinates, altitude, changes is quite impressive. This is what the screen looked during the flight:

A great video feed was provided by http://kirotv.com/. The video was shot from a chopper that had a great point of view nearby.

However, even here, the video footage was amazing but the commentary was left to be desired. Most of the time there was silence, with some rather random conversations that you could barely hear only one side.

Twitter aggregation is still not mature enough to follow the actual development. Going through dozens of similar messages that “787 landed” without any seeming way to filter duplicates seems to be very time consuming to consider newsworthy.

The lessons from the day are the following:

1. The search technology is not mature enough to provide near-instant results in the search results.

2. Search cannot distinguish “live feed not available on the page” from the “live feed” in the search results.

3. Twitter tends to become rather chatty with many similar messages during a popular event.
4. Boeing site provided rather disappointing experience during such an exciting event. Usability horrors aside to having no visual clues to slide a square to reveal messages from the control room, having only a couple updates to that was simply not enough to call it a live feed. Besides, no images were shown for the actual flight test on the Boeing site.

Seeing a new airplane fly was exciting. Seeing messages from Airbus to congratulate Boeing on the achievement was heart-warming. And I will remain hopeful that one day the search technology will continue to evolve and be useful for covering live events.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Useful e-mail parsing?

At the time when a phrase “automated e-mail parsing” causes most people to cringe, let’s consider a a parsing algorithm can be useful. So far, most algorithms parse e-mail to determine statistics and only offer rudimentary guess about interests so that ads can be better targeted. The task of intelligent parsing largely falls onto a reader.

But what if we could design a system that could parse an e-mail just as any other human would and give you, the reader, the summary and an action plan? Too far-fetched, you’d say? Many previous assistants have failed, notably Microsoft “Clippy” and the successful implementations mainly remained in the science fiction novels.

The failure of many systems of the past to become successful lied mainly in the “delivery at all costs” and overseeing some important limitations. The software was released in a set ship-cycle and the forgiveness of the users made software manufacturers willing to sell fixes to the existing software as a “new version” rather than striving to make the first version of the release software more robust and well designed.
The development of anthropomorphic interface suffered – systems were releases despite being rather limited in functionality and failure of the initial release nearly guaranteed the non-existence of the following versions. It became a fine balance between releasing software before the competitors and having it being robust enough and feature rich to secure the development of next versions.

The recent changes in the software delivery methods have transitioned software from a shipping box to a web-based applications that could be upgraded continuously. That meant that some features could be perfected and released once they became ready instead of waiting for a compelling set of features to be sold. Besides, web applications could be maintaining statistics, and analyzing usage patterns that would yet lead to a better user experience.

How does a web application help in designing a successful anthropomorphic application? Simple: the incremental improvements, that normally could not make into a boxed software under a new model, can be thriving online. The usage data provides a feedback to developers to further refine applications. Developers are also free to run analysis and segment the users into groups to test certain improvements. The software life cycle enters an era of natural selection – small incremental changes that improve usability stick, and those that don’t they yield way to more successful changes.

A specific little known example that marked a new evolutionary step of a successful anthropomorphic system was presented in a Google mail service. Most users know that Google is parsing e-mails, but few see the direct benefits. I was one of those few, until I noticed a new sidebar message right after the ads. This is the text of an e-mail I received:

Hi XXX, This is great! Can we meet at 230pm in the XXX tomorrow (Wednesday)? Best, YYY

For a human reader, the purpose of message is obvious – a meeting might be scheduled. However, there’s no specific date, other than “Wednesday” indicated, and the time for a proposed meeting is not in the computer-friendly form – there’s no separation between hours and minutes. Despite all these deficiencies in information, Google parse was successfully able to extract the critical information and make actions based on that. This was presented automatically to me:

Add to calendar: Meet at XXX, Wed Dec 2, 2009 at 2:30pm – 3:30pm.

This is very impressive parsing. Imagine now that that parsing happens for over 30 million active gmail users. In a split of a second. We came closer to a truly useful anthropomorphic interface.

Amazon, keep the precision, please

Christmas time is a happy time for retailers, and the bigger retailer you are -- the happier you must feel. All the frantic shoppers that spend the precious dollars even in the down economy help you with the largest sales season. And if you are a retailer, you want to make sure that the shopping experience for your clients is top notch. At least one would hope so. As a retailer you want to simplify the shopping with removing extra clicks between populating a virtual cart and the button “place order”, storing credit card numbers so that shoppers do not bail out for not having a credit card handy. You want to verify that all the customary e-mails informing shoppers about the status of their order are clear and concise. Sometimes the effort of simplifying things goes too far.
I placed an order through Amazon with one of the partner organizations. A usual e-mail confirmed that the order was submitted normally and a couple of days later another letter notified of the shipped product. The last letter even provided the tracking number. That’s where simplification went too far.

A FedEx tracking number is a 15-digit number. Unlike UPS shipping number, there are no letters in a FedEx number. When a system gets a series of digits, it may convert them to a number and make them more user-friendly. That “user-friendliness” is what happened in my case when I discovered that the shipping number was converted to a scientific notation as:

Carrier Tracking ID: 1.57858E+14

Yes, the order of magnitude for the number remains, but the precision is lost. Even worse, the tracking number is not exactly a number, but rather a string. Not having all digits makes the tracking useless. I do have to mention that I’ve been getting FedEx tracking numbers correctly formatted in the past, but this time simplification went too far. Please note, not all numbers can be treated like numbers and simplifying them does not simplify user experience. I will give it another chance to Amazon, but expect the engineers to fix such simple oversights.